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The story so far!

Article by Lee Glasgow

I have created this illusion of a lazy, cheeky devil that pokes fun at the 9 to 5’s while basking on my hammock during the working week, drinking tea from my Denby or Pip Tea cup collection! If only this persona was fully true ;@> Here is a collection of my work so far, amongst the back ache & stress of creating images that my clients & I can be proud of & the constant checking of my bank balance to see if I can hand over a wage to my unforgiving yet incredible, tolerant & beautiful wife (see what I did there)! My life is perfect, I have the best job in the world, it’s now down to me to keep improving and to stay true to my very simple business plan.
I have two aims for my business:

1. To have a sustainable business that allows me to grow as a photographer, and create works of art for my clients.
2. To have bloody good fun achieving the above.